Scheveningense bosje |
Den Haag |
A return to blogging...I was reading through my Croatia posts and started to think about how much I miss this blog. As I reread the posts, I realized there is so much from that trip I forgot about. It got me thinking about how much I miss documenting our lives and adventures. There is so much missing from this blog and I'm sad that I can't go back and read about it again. So enough of that. Back to the blog and
Adventures with Jaap.
Binnenhof |
Now that we are traveling with little Flora, our family weekend getaways and vacations are slightly less exotic, but just as fun. I knew that once we started a family we would be spending more time exploring The Netherlands and that's what we have been doing a lot this year. We went to Den Haag for the long Pinksteren wekend. I was once briefly in Den Haag for my immigration paperwork, but I have never spent a good amount of time here. This city is great. Very international, full of greenery, and a 20 minute bus ride to the beach. What's not to love?
Fun at the Escher Museum |
We had lots of fun at the
Escher Museum. (Thanks for the tip, Mom). Here's Flora having some fun with modern art.
Saturday was our beach day and we went to Kijkduin for the morning. Flora got to touch/feel and explore sand for the first time and we got to stick our feet in the freezing cold water. I love watching her face when she experiences something for the first time...the silent pause and questioning look. Of course she then proceeded to try and eat the sand.
Peace Palace |
My favorite part of Den Haag is all the nature. The city is full of parks, "forests", and tiny squares with greenery. It's truly unique and refreshing for city life. We had some beautiful walks with Flora through the Scheveningse Forest and the Clingendael.
A delicious dinner at ZOT! |
The Japanese Garden in the Clingendael was a nice treat. It's only open a few weeks every year, so we were lucky to catch the last weekend.
Our happy little traveler |
Traveling is a little different now with a baby. Dinner at 5:00 (!) and some early wake up calls, but these little smiles are worth it. I could just eat these chubby cheeks.